Sweet Embrace
This beautiful bouquet combines pink and white lilies with purple eustoma, creating a harmonious and elegant display. The pastel shades blend seamlessly, offering a fresh and fragrant arrangement that is perfect for any special occasion. Whether for a birthday, anniversary, or just to brighten someone's day, the soft colors and vibrant flowers are sure to impress. Wrapped in mint green paper and tied with a soft pink ribbon, this bouquet exudes grace and charm.
This bouquet includes:
- 24 Pink and white lilies
- Seasonal accent flowers
- Seasonal foliage
- Complimentary message card
- FREE delivery (remote areas excluded)
Flower Bouquets , Thank You Flowers , Congratulation Flowers , Birthday Flowers , Baby Gifts , Graduation Flowers
Regular Price HK$ 1,499.00 Special Price HK$ 1,099.00
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