It is no secret that roses have been used for multiple purposes throughout the years, ranging from politics to boutonnieres. Although the common connotation of roses is reflective of romance, there are a number of things that can be said through the giving a rose bouquet. Whether it is the color of the rose, or the number of stems bestowed on another, it is the combination of the two that makes the statement.
Roses by Color: What Do They Say?
The red rose is a statement as tried and true as its symbolism. “I love you” is often what is inferred by the red rose, and that belief is correct. However, it can also be a sign of beauty, respect, courage and passion.
White roses are a depiction of innocence and humility, and are typically used for occasions of sanctity, such as baptisms, first communions, and weddings.
Pink roses, both light and dark, are more fun to give and are more easily used by the masses. They do not necessarily mean love, but are typically given in the name of appreciation, in an effort to say thank you. In addition, the pink roses can be provided as a general gift of admiration, and joy.
Yellow roses are the friendliest of all, and carry the least romantic connotation. Yellow roses promote friendship, new beginnings or welcoming thoughts. Yellow roses would be perfect for someone returning to work from a medical leave, or someone who just started a new job. Careful, however; a yellow rose with a red tip simply means “I am falling in love with you.” There is certainly a big difference between the two.
Less Common-Colored Roses
The peach rose signifies gratitude and appreciation to the recipient. This stem allows you to say how much you appreciate the person you are giving them to, without saying a word. Lavender roses scream love at first sight, or overall enchantment. Orange roses signify fascination and desire, while black roses communicate an ominous farewell, or death.
A Single Rose or an Entire Rose Bouquet: What Do the Numbers Mean?
A single rose, of any color, may be the most romantic gesture on the planet. This sound statement says one thing to the person who receives the rose: I am devoted to you, and only you. Two roses signify a relationship of commitment and mutual love. Six roses tell the recipient you want to be loved, while eleven roses tell him or her that they are the one you love most. Thirteen roses typically arrive un-noted, from a secret admirer, and fifteen roses say “I am sorry.” 24 roses signify the number of hours in a day, implying to the recipient that they are on the mind of the giver with every waking moment.
A lot of people give roses to their loved ones for anniversaries, using the year of the anniversary as the stem count. However, the largest statement a rose bouquet can provide is the gift of 99 roses, which says to the receiver: I will love you forever and always.